All the things that go through a person’s head when finding a new dentist

New Patients at Grange Green Dental Practice in Billericay
What is the dentist like?
What will the dentist do?
What will I need doing?
How much is this going to cost me?
The list goes on...
New dental patient consultations cost £99, we will ask for a deposit of £30 to secure the appointment when you call us. There are no hidden costs, this includes x-rays, photos of your teeth and an Oral Cancer Screening. The dental appointment will last 30 minutes however we ask you to consider keeping 60 minutes of your time from start to finish for your appointment.
The two most important appointments we can offer our patients are the initial consultation and your first visit to our dental hygienist. Initial consultations are where we set out our long term aims to get your mouth healthy enough so that you need to visit the dentist as little as possible. Our Dental hygienist Sophie is absolutely amazing and your time with her is essential for good dental health.
Initially what we want to do is find out a little more about you and why you have come to see us. Lampros and Rachel love talking to their patients and finding out all about them. This is a crucial part of any dental appointment, we obviously want to understand what it is you want to achieve, but also because dentistry is a HUGE subject and they don't want to gabble on about all things dental when most of it won't apply to you. They'll also confirm any notes you've made about your medical history and see how long it's been since you last saw a dentist.
We then check for any lumps or bumps and red or white patches that may be present in your mouth. The vast majority of funny things are innocuous but we need to make a record so we can monitor them over time. In some rare cases we may have to refer you if we are at all suspicious of anything. We do this first because it's the MOST important job we have.
Next we'll check your teeth by gently blowing some air around them to remove the saliva so we can see things more clearly, and look for a few things whilst asking themselves questions about what's going on in your mouth:
New Patients at Grange Green Dental Practice in Billericay
New Patients at Grange Green Dental Practice in Billericay
Is there any decay?
New Patients at Grange Green Dental Practice in Billericay
New Patients at Grange Green Dental Practice in Billericay
Are there any fractures?
New Patients at Grange Green Dental Practice in Billericay
New Patients at Grange Green Dental Practice in Billericay
Is there any wear on your teeth?
New Patients at Grange Green Dental Practice in Billericay
New Patients at Grange Green Dental Practice in Billericay
Are your gums ok?
New Patients at Grange Green Dental Practice in Billericay
New Patients at Grange Green Dental Practice in Billericay
Photos of your teeth... Why?
New Patients at Grange Green Dental Practice in Billericay
New Patients at Grange Green Dental Practice in Billericay
Is there any decay?
New Patients at Grange Green Dental Practice in Billericay
New Patients at Grange Green Dental Practice in Billericay
Are there any fractures?
New Patients at Grange Green Dental Practice in Billericay
New Patients at Grange Green Dental Practice in Billericay
Is there any wear on your teeth?
New Patients at Grange Green Dental Practice in Billericay
New Patients at Grange Green Dental Practice in Billericay
Are your gums ok?
New Patients at Grange Green Dental Practice in Billericay
New Patients at Grange Green Dental Practice in Billericay
Photos of your teeth... Why?
New Patients at Grange Green Dental Practice in Billericay

After The Assessment

Lampros and Rachel will talk to you about any problems you may face, the risk factors that may be involved, how we can deal with any issues and how to prevent them in the future. They are guided by some core principles that ensure we deliver the best level of dental care we can:

1. Dentistry is a poor alternative to healthy teeth so we always use prevention through education.

2. If you present to us with a problem we will go over all your options but we are always looking to recommend the option that will have the least Impact on the strength of your teeth, or the one that makes your teeth stronger and last longer.

3. If our dentists are ever in doubt about what to recommend they will default to either:
- The 'Family Test' l.e. what would they do if it was their family member that needed help with a particular problem.
- If the problem is not urgent we will leave the final decision up to you. The photographs and x-rays provide an invaluable insight when communicating all this stuff, although dentistry is not hard to understand. It's much easier if you can see the problem yourself on our monitor.

You are welcome to ask questions at any time during your dental appointment and we welcome such interaction. We want you to fully understand what is going on in your mouth and to make the correct decision on how you wish to proceed.

Once our dentists are all finished, and you have obtained the answers you are looking for, they will escort you back to our reception team who will go through any financial Information and arrange any further dental appointments that may be required. We don't do the hard sell so we will never try and coerce you into making an appointment. As Dentists, we want to see people who want to see us. It's far less stressful to work with the willing patients who value their oral and dental health and trust their clinical opinion.

You will receive a report on the health of your mouth on the day or within a week of your appointment as well as the options open to you for any treatment you may wish to have with us. Please feel free to email us if you have any further queries. Believe it or not they love talking about teeth, even if it's in their own spare time.
If you have not made an appointment after about a week, our Treatment Care Co-Ordinator will give you a call to make sure you received your report, answer any questions you may have and arrange any further appointments.
New Patients at Grange Green Dental Practice in Billericay
Smile Gallery at Grange Green Dental Practice in Billericay
Dental Awards at Grange Green Dental Practice in Billericay